8 Week Green Skills Bootcamp - CSCS & Retrofit & Insulation
Built with local employers, this 8-week bootcamp is designed to prepare you for a career in construction, and provides the foundation for a specialist role in insulation
Course description:
No Previous Construction experience needed. The Retrofit & insulation Bootcamp is a fantastic opportunity for candidates to go from no construction experience, to gaining a Level 2 Blue CSCS Card, Level 2 certs in Retrofit and Insulation and a range of H&S Certs. Followed by 2 weeks of work experience opportunities with our partner employers. Our on-site practical area will give learners the skills and basic practical knowledge to put them in a prime position to join the construction industry, specifically in the growing green/future skills sector.
- Blue Level 2 CSCS Card
- Level 1 health and safety in a construction environment
- Introducing Environmental Awareness and Sustainability in Construction
- Personal Wellbeing in Construction
- NOCN Removal of Non-Hazardous Waste
- NOCN Level 2 Understanding Domestic Retrofit
- Additional qualifications mapped to local Employer Skills needs
- 2-week Work Experience/ Practical Training
- Guaranteed Job Interview
- Customers must be aged 19+ (as of 31st Aug 2024)
- Lived in the UK for 3+ years (ex. Refugees)
- Valid Photo ID (Passport, Driving/Provisional License, Citizens Card)
- National Insurance number
- Proof of universal credit/earnings below £17,000 per annum
- Proof of Address

If you are interested please email the following info to referrals@theskillscentre.co.uk
- Choice of Course:
- Name:
- Tel:
- Email:
- DOB:
- Home Postcode:
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